Saturday 22 March 2014

Story for kids : Poor Coolie and Sweetmeat Seller

A poor coolie was passing by a sweetmeat seller's shop. He was very hungry, but he had no money to buy the sweets. He stood some time before the shop and eagerly enjoyed the sweet smell, if not the taste of the sweet. The sweet-meat seller was a heartless fellow. 

He suddenly turned to the coolie and demanded a rupees from him as the price for the small the coolie enjoyed. The coolie was puzzled. But still he replied, " dear seller i have not taken any sweet from you than how you ask me for money ? " 

The sweet seller is to dishonest. He said to the coolie that, " enjoying smale and eating food both is same. You must pay money." 

" But i don't have money in pocket. So after willing to buy sweet i can't. I am very poor. please let me go. " Coolie said with falling face. 

" Sorry i had not started charity. You must pay money or work at my shop for a day. Without that i will not let you go." 

On seeing this helpless condition of the poor coolie a ready-witted laeyer, standing by decided to give tit for tat to the cunning sweet-meat seller. He put his hands in his own pockets, produced a jingling sound of a few coins and said to the sweetmeat seller," Are you paid now ? "

" How ?" said the seller

" The jingling sound of the coins is enough payment for the smell of the sweet-meats." was the witty reply. 

The lawyer thus stopped the mouth of the seller by his sharp and witty words.


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