Sunday, 30 March 2014

Indian Festival : गुढी का उभारतात ?

गुढी का उभारतात त्याची गोष्ट -

छोट्या मित्रांनो,

उदया पाडवा तुम्हाला गोड गाठी आणि पापा दयाला हवा ना! म्हणून आज वेळ काढला.

हं, तर मग उदया काय आहे?

" माहित नाही म्हणताय ? छे ! तुम्हाला माहित नसणं शक्यच नाही. खरंच माहित नाही कि माझ्याकडून वदवून घ्यायचय. "

" खरंच माहित नाही म्हणताय. ठीक आहे. मी सांगतो,  उदया आहे गुढी पाडवा."

" हे काय ? आत्ता कोण म्हणालं ,” पाडवा,पाडवा, नीट बोल गाढ़वा ?”असं म्हणु नये. आज आपल्या हिंदू नव वर्षाचा पहिला दिवस. मग असं वाईट कशाला बोलायचं.?

"पाडवा, पाडवा नीट बोल गाढ़वा."

असं म्हणण्यापेक्षा -

Story for Kids : Ramrao and Shamrao

Farmer Ramrao went to market to sell the produce of his field. He had many vegetable with him. By the evening he sold all of them. He got the good price. So he had plenty of money with him at the end. He count all the rupees, thread those and put in his pocket of coat. Then he mounted his horse to return home. 

Story for Kids : Whimsical Women and her Dog

There was an artist. He was poor but good in painting portraits. He earn money by painting the portraits of rich persons and selling it to them. Once he painted the portrait of very wealthy and smart women. He hoped to be paid handsomely for it.

But the lady was whimsical. She bring her dog with her when she came to see the portrait.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Love Poem : ती सोबत नव्हती म्हणुनी

उन्हाळा सरतो. आभाळात काळे ढग जमू लागतात. उन्हाची झळ कमी होते. गार वाऱ्याची झुळूक मन उल्हासित करते. मग सहाजिकच तिला घेऊन डोंगर दऱ्यात............. गार वाऱ्यात.............पावसाच्या धारात  जावं असं त्याला वाटतं. त्याचं हे असं आभाळासारख भरून आलेलं मन तो तिच्या जवळ मोकळं करतो. तीही त्याच्या सुरात सूर मिसळते. आणि मग मित्र मैत्रिणीन सोबत डोंगर दऱ्यात जाऊन पाऊस होण्याचा बेत ठरतो.
ठरल्यावेळी.............ठरल्या ठिकाणी सारे जमतात. हा आला ............. तो आला ............. ती आली ............... तीही आली..........पण ती कुठाय ?

Story for Kids ; King and the Juster

King Rajdatta ruled over the Kingdom Narayanpur. he had a court-jester by name Maniram in his court. The king was pleased with him as he amused the king by jokes and interesting stories. In a short while, Maniram became the favorite of all.

story for kids : Faithful Dog

A farmer keshaw living with his family. He had faithful dog with his. He named him moti. 

It was a midnight. Keshaw was tired and exhausted. he was fast asleep in his cottage. His faithful dog Moti was laying outside the hut. Moti was carefully guarding the life and property of his master. 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Story for Kids : Greedy Rich and Faithful Poor

A poor farmer was on his way. He found that there is purse on the roadside. He was poor and and also badly in need of money. But he was honest. He heard that a certain man had lost his purse and he offered a reward of ten rupee to the founder. So the farmer decided to return the purse to the person. 

The rich man was very happy looking to his lost purse. But he was a miser as well as greedy

Story for kids : Poor Coolie and Sweetmeat Seller

A poor coolie was passing by a sweetmeat seller's shop. He was very hungry, but he had no money to buy the sweets. He stood some time before the shop and eagerly enjoyed the sweet smell, if not the taste of the sweet. The sweet-meat seller was a heartless fellow. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Love Poem : आयुष्य हरवले माझे

कॉलेजच्या धुंद वातावरणात ती भेटते. फुलासारखे फुलायचे ..... फुलपाखरासारखे फुलांवर झुलायचे हे दिवस. खट्याळ.....उनाड...... स्वछंदी...... आनंदी......स्वप्नाळू......हळवे. 
वारं प्यालेल्या खोंडासारखं हे आयुष्य. पण हे असं उनाड, खट्याळ, स्वछंदी आयुष्य ओंजळीत घ्यायला ती पुढं येते. आपल्याही नकळत आपण तिचे होतो. इतके कि आयुष्य म्हणजे फक्त ती..... दुसरं काही नाही. अशी आयुष्याविषयीची आपली व्याख्या निचित होते. 
तिचे डोळे .... तिचे ओठ ...... तिचा स्पर्श ...... तिचा सहवास ........झोपेमध्ये तिची स्वप्नं ...... जागेपणी तिचा ध्यास. आपलं अस्तित्वच हरवून बसतो आपण. आपल्या आयुष्याला फुटलेल्या या नव्या अंकूरांनी मोहोरून जातो आपण.
पण....कुणास ठाऊक काय घडतं. तिचं कि आपलं कुणास ठाऊक कुणाचं,  पण कुणाचं तरी चुकतं. रुसवा ..... अबोला ........ दुरावा ........आणि आपल्या आयुष्याचे असंख्य तुकडे. सारं काही ओंजळीतून विखुरलेलं. जणू आपलं आयुष्य ....... आपल्या आयुष्याची स्पंदनंच हरवलेली. आता हे सारं शोधायचं कुठं ? कुणाच्या डोळ्यात ? कशाच्या आधारावर जगायचं यापुढ ? प्रश्न ........प्रश्न ....... आणि फक्त प्रश्न. एका देवदासला पडलेले.

Story for kid's : King and sakhubai

Sahkubai, a shepherdess used to her sheep to graze to hillside. she had a small child of two years. Unfortunately, there was a no one to look after him if she kept him at home. So she had to carry the child wherever she went. 

One day

Monday, 17 March 2014

Story For Kid's : होळी रे होळी

काय मित्रांनो,
कशी धमाल केलीत काल ? होळी पेटवताना तिच्यात तुम्ही गवऱ्या, लाकडं, एरंड्याची फांदी असं खुप काही टाकलं असेल. होळीच्या कुशीत ठेवलेल्या बारक्या काड्या, मुठभर गवत आधी पेटवलं असेल. मग हळु हळु होळी चहुअंगानं पेटली असेल. तिच्या भोवती गोल फिरत तुम्ही कंटाळा येईपर्यंत बोंब ठोकली असेल. आई बाबा रागवेपर्यंत टिमक्या वाजवल्या असतील.

होळी रे होळी पुरानाची पोळी
बामन मेला संध्याकाळी

असं म्हणत धमाल दंगा केला असेल. आमच्या लहानपणी आम्हीही असंच म्हणायचो. पठित धपाटे बसेपर्यंत दंगा करायचो. पण आता कळतंय हे काही बरं नाहीं. होळीच्या शुभ दिवशी आपण असं कुणाच मरण चिंताव हे काही खरं नाहीं. त्या पेक्षा आपण –

Story for kids ; Silver Key

It was stormy night. A traveler, shivering with cold reached a public inn, hopping to rest and comfort himself for the night. But to his disappointment he found that the door was locked. upon this , the traveler began to all aloud, " open, open the door, for God's sake, let me

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Love Poem : खुशाल पडतो प्रेमात

परवाच मी ' आपण साले वेडेपिसे ' हि कविता पोस्ट केली आणि आज ' खुशाल पडतो प्रेमात ' हि कविता पोस्ट करतोय. खरंतर -

आपण साले वेडेपिसे
खुशाल पडतो प्रेमात

या एकाच कवितेच्या एकाच कडव्यातल्या दोन ओळी वाटतात. पण ' आपण साले वेडेपिसे ' या कवितेचा नायक ' तो ' होता . तर ' खुशाल पडतो प्रेमात ' या कवितेची नायिका एक नुकतंच तारुण्याच्या उंबरठ्यावर पाऊल ठेवणारी तरुणी आहे.

खरंच कसं होतं असं ? ' प्रेमात पड ' असं कुणीच सांगत नसतं.

Story for kids : A Honest boy.

It was evening. A poor but honest boy had need of two rupees for his school examination fees. With thought in mind he was walking through a market in search of
some work. 
A gentleman who was in need of coolie called the poor boy and said him," Well boy, will you carry my bag to my house ? If you i will pay you a rupee for this work."

Story For Kid's : All is well

Dhaniram was a rich merchant. He was returning from village bazaar. He had lot of money with him. It was the evening and sun was going to sleep. Shadows were so long. Surrounding was getting covered by darkness. Naturally Dhaniram was anxious to reach to home as soon as possible. But the man proposes and fate disposes.  

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Love Poem : आपण साले वेडेपिसे

ती दिसते आणि आपण हरखून जातो. आपल्याही नकळत तिच्या प्रेमात पडतो. ती आपल्यावर प्रेम करतेय कि नाही याची जाणीवही नसते आपल्याला. ते जाणून घेण्याची गरजही वाटत नाही आपल्याला. आपण गृहीतच धरून चालतो सारंकाही आपल्याला हवं तसं घडेल म्हणून .

आपण सारं गृहीत धरतो आणि नुसतं तिचं हसू पाहून वेडेपिसे होत रहातो. ती दिसत नाही भेटत नाही, आपल्याशी बोलत नाही. पण आपण जाता येता केवळ तिचं गोड हसू पाहतो  ………… आणि जगता जगता रोज एक मरण भोगत रहातो.

पण ती ..........

Story for Kids : Kuberdas and Gardener

Seth kuberdas was big merchant in the town. He had a big shop in the town. His business was too good. Thus he is wealthy. He had a big bungalow ti live in. He had a car, many attendant to his back and call. However,

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Story For Kid's : A Noble Deed

 Once a rich man divided his property equally among his three sons. However, he had one precious jewel worth a lac of rupees. His sons began to quarrel over the jewel. The old man was clever. He called all f them before him and said,